Our Board is made up of hard-working individuals working together for a common goal. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.
- President– Cecilia Corredor | apexboosterpresident@gmail.com
- Vice President- Shreeda Tailor | apexboostervp@gmail.com
- Treasurer– Andrea Houston| apexboostertreasurer@gmail.com
- Secretary– Ally Taylor | apexboostersecretary@gmail.com
- Membership– Beth Ann Karraker | apexboostermemberships@gmail.com
- Parliamentarian– Jenny Purvis | apexboosterparliamentarian@gmail.com
- Fundraising– Brittany Puchot | apexboosterfundraising@gmail.com
- Team Networking– Ashley Gelmici-McTavish | apexboosterteamnetworking@gmail.com
What does the Booster Club do?